This is also called SSI and can be received at any time up until a child’s eighteenth birthday. At that time, the benefits will be terminated. If you believe your child’s conditions continue to interfere with their ability to function, you will need to reapply for them as an adult.
This is an earned benefit based on the amount of earnings reported by your employment. You must have 20 quarters of earnings in a 40 quarter period of coverage or have worked 5 out of the last 10 years. This benefit can be awarded during anytime you have sufficient work quarters.
his benefit is awarded to surviving spouses of a person with enough working credits or quarters. A surviving spouse can receive this benefit based on the deceased persons earnings. You must be at least 50 and unmarried when you apply to draw this benefit.
This is a needs-based benefit which means that any income, resources or assistance that is given or provided to you will be considered when determining your eligibility. Income can be earned or unearned, so even if someone gives you money, it can be counted.
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